Battery Recon Tips
Battery Tips & Tricks
Additional power supply for the camera – how to choose a battery replacement and charger? Every photographer knows how important a decent and long-lasting battery is. Often more than one – sometimes it is difficult to predict how many photos we will have to take. So if you are in the process of looking for…
How to Fix the Most Common iPhone Battery Issues Is your iPhone battery not lasting even through a single day of usage? Here’s what you can do to improve the battery life on your iPhone and get more screen on time. We’re an affiliate We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you…
Improve the Batter Life for Your Samsung How long does the battery last? This is a common question for most buyers, and there is nothing that lets down the buyer than having a great device with a battery that won’t last a whole day. While Samsung has massively improved their devices’ battery life, some users…
How to expand your apple iphone battery life – If there is anything that frustrates extra cellular phone individuals it hangs battery power while you get on the phone. This has actually taken place to almost everybody. As well as at least once it caught you by complete surprise. When you are running a mobile…